Tradebyte review of the year 2020
We look back on the Tradebyte year 2020. Have fun with our graphical review of the year

Who would have thought a year ago that 2020 would be so, let’s say, “unusual”? We are sure that you had imagined this year differently and had to throw your plans overboard and rethink. But we wouldn’t be Tradebyte if we had buried our heads in the sand. And that’s exactly why we have a lot of good things to report in 2020: Our Tradebyte family got a lot of new members, we launched a digital ECD format and we were able to welcome a lot of new customers and retailers to our ecosystem. And it’s all thanks to your support!
Take a look at our graphical review of the year. Maybe you’ll discover an interesting Tradebyte fact or two that will make you smile as the year comes to a close.
Despite all this, we are not sad that 2020 has now come to an end and look forward with confidence to a new, healthy year. We are already looking forward to the many joint projects with you and now wish you and your families a relaxing Christmas holiday.