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TB.IO: First steps towards Open Platform

We proudly present TB.IO - We are transforming our APIs from a secret into an open book, as we want to build a large network of third party integrators.

We have exciting news for you again. After our rebranding and all the information about the “new Tradebyte”, the next news is here today: we proudly present TB.IO – our first step towards an open platform. What exactly does that mean? We are transforming our APIs from a hidden secret into an open book. We want to invite others to develop apps and connectors to our software, which are then available for our more than 700 customers. For some time we have been working on the self-service guide TB.IO, enabling third parties to connect to the TB.One API. At the moment, the guide is still in beta phase and will be developed further step by step. For the “TB.IO” project, we work together with our long-term partner FATCHIP, who contributes its experience from having developed numerous third-party systems.


Basically, TB.IO is a public and free knowledge database that enables you to code interfaces to TB.One and TB.Market. It helps you understand all the processes and technical aspects of getting product and order data into and out of the TB.One API. By the way, the “IO” stands for “in and out”. Different use cases lead you through the guide and explain which steps are necessary and which API calls have to be created. In addition to the API documentation, you will also find an app store with a set of existing connectors, which will be expanded step by step.

Hendrik Bahr, CEO at FATCHIP

»At the beginning of 2020, we started publishing the first content and process descriptions on TB.IO. To date, there has already been an extensive collection and many guides. More will follow in the coming months. In the meantime, we were able to accompany the first pilots from the retailer side as well as from the brand side as they independently connected to the TB.One API.« – Hendrik Bahr, CEO at FATCHIP



TB.IO is targeted to everyone who wants to connect and receive technical information via the TB.One platform or develop and offer apps and plugins for TB.One’s interfaces. Today’s API’s focus especially on the efficient system connections to retailers and brands, such as PIM- or OMS systems. On the other side of the Tradebyte Software platform, retailers and marketplaces can develop connectors to connect to brands of our Tradebyte ecosystem.

TB.IO – Connect to TB.One without assistance

With TB.IO, Tradebyte continues to evolve from a closed system to an open, international platform. What exactly do we want to achieve with this? Our goal is to increase the range of TB.One features through partners and to decrease time-to-online for our customers through existing connectors. The roadmap for 2021 focuses on further optimisation of the documentation, assisting more pilots, and thereby gaining more insights and experience. We are also adding code samples and work on the certification program for the app store.

Andreas Hummel, Head of Added Services and Project Manager TB.IO

»Speed and flexibility are crucial success factors, especially in e-commerce. That is why we at Tradebyte are now treading the path with TB.IO to take our SaaS solutions into a new dimension of adaptability and attractiveness. The success of our clients depends on many individual factors, all of which must be taken into account. That’s why I cordially invite everyone to participate creatively in this platform idea and also look forward to many exciting conversations and projects.« – Andreas Hummel, Head of Added Services and Project Manager TB.IO.


And now: Feel free to discover TB.IO! If you have any questions, you can either contact your Success Manager or write to us here.


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