How Tradebyte Trainings Accelerate Wolford’s Growth

Staff planning, in-depth training and automation paved Wolford's path to success as a marketplace player.

  • +300%

    increase in turnover in 2019-2020

  • 5 TIMES

    the number of live sku's

  • 12 DAYS TTO

    time-to-online reduced from 60 to 12 days


Wolford was founded in 1950 and is now a listed company with around 1300 employees and a turnover of 118.5 million in the 2019/2020 financial year.

Wolford and Tradebyte have been working together since 2015. In 2019, the partnership has been intensified. Wolford is now active on 19 sales channels via Tradebyte. Further connections are on the roadmap for 2021.

THE Trigger

Wolford had a few things in mind for 2020: respectable sales growth, a range expansion in e-commerce, and a strong focus on a crisp internationalisation strategy. This involved some challenges in terms of product data (e.g. language / categorisation, etc.). The requirements regarding channel specifics were also surprisingly complex and thus had a significant impact on staff planning. Existing staff had to be trained more intensely and new staff had to be trained from scratch. Therefore, several team members took part in our training.

THE Strategy

The enormous growth in 2020 could only be managed because data was processed with a high degree of automation and with a new infrastructure in the back. The efficiency in daily work could be further increased through our training.

THE Result

By increasing automation and efficiency, an additional five channels were connected in a very short time. Without the acquired knowledge on improved article data quality, an optimised categorisation strategy, and the resulting increase in efficiency through best-practice information, the growth target would have been difficult to achieve. Thanks to the customised training, (new) employees could be trained quickly and efficiently.

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happy young man on laptop

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