Tradebyte is integrating the first Swiss online shopping platform into its portfolio of far-reaching e-commerce channels. Tradebyte partners now have access to one of the biggest online shopping centres and therefore to the Swiss market with its great spending power. has built up a comprehensive selection in Switzerland with the motto “Simply everything. Everything simple.” With more than 1,000 brands, more than 2.5 million articles and innovative features, offers a unique online shopping experience and is the right address for almost all consumer areas:
fashion & shoes, cosmetics & health, electronics & computer, children & toys, entertainment & books, wine & indulgence, living & household, as well as garden & tools.

Managing Director Heinz Krienbühl: “Through the simple integration of German vendors at we would like to further extend our range of goods and therefore offer as diverse and attractive a product range as possible for our customers.”

With and Tradebyte, market entry obstacles for retailers from abroad like the difference in currency, language or logistics and law can be overcome effectively. The connection takes place via the standardised software solution TB.One, which is prepared for international and multi-language use. Via the TB.One interface and its integrated PIM (Product Information Management) the article data of the German partners are inputted conforming to platforms and controlled centrally.

For all interested Tradebyte partners the software solution provides the tailor-made interface to the new marketplace Now, German retailers can sell their products in Switzerland quickly and without complications via and with the help of “Our solution is a great opportunity for professional online retailers from Germany who want to utilise the enormous Swiss market potential without great additional effort and high risks”, says Marc Oberländer, Head of Business Development at AG.

You can find more information about connecting to here.

Here you can find the german Presse release.