University contact fair 2016 in Ansbach: Tradebyte is part of it!
On June 16th the university contact fair takes place in Ansbach and Tradebyte is one of the exhibiting companies.

On June 16th the university contact fair takes place in Ansbach and Tradebyte is one of the exhibiting companies. On the Ansbach University campus students can catch up on internships, job entries and career opportunities. The event is the perfect setting for the first encounter between companies and interested students.
The Tradebyte stand is located on the ground floor of building 92 (glass building). Besides extensive information about job opportunities visitors have the unique chance to meet Tradebyte employees in person for a first interview.
Visit us on the university contact fair and get to know Tradebyte as a potential employer. Of course you can also leave your application papers and directly apply for your dream job at our stand.
We are looking forward to a lot of interesting conversations and new contacts.