Introducing the Team: 5 Questions for Carsten Feiler
Carsten Feiler ist seit November 2014 Sales & Key Account Manager bei Tradebyte und beantwortet 5 Fragen zu seiner Person, Tradebyte und der E-Commerce Branche.

I have been at Tradebyte as a Sales & Key Account Manager since November 2014. In the sales area I support customers throughout the entire sales process. From the first meeting and the negotiation of terms, to consultation about possible channels, through to signing the contract. As a Key Account Manager, I am the contact partner for existing customers and I help with questions and problems.
2. What distinguishes Tradebyte as an employer for you?
- The company is very dynamic and constantly developing. You can feel that every employee is fully committed and up for change.
- I find the Tradebyte services very exciting and it’s fun to work with that.
3. What fascinates you about the e-commerce industry?
I think there are unlimited opportunities in e-commerce to create something new and to be innovative.
4. What do you prefer: online shopping or shopping at a store?
I almost exclusively shop online, as I get a better and bigger selection. The only things I buy in a store are groceries and electronic devices.
5. In your opinion, what innovation has changed the world most?
Clearly: the internet. The internet has made cross-border interconnection and communication possible, which didn’t exist before.